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This time of year as we begin to enter into more darkness, dreams often increase among sensitive individuals who prioritize personal or spiritual growth. I’ve always encouraged my clients to keep a dream journal, consistently for a year before drawing reliable conclusions about their own dream symbology, as it differs between individuals.

While accurate dream analysis offers more useful information when specific to the dreamer, dreams in which the dreamer is flying fall into specific qualities that may provide helpful guidance. Two categories of distinction provide insight in the following ways:

  1. Whether or not the dreamer is in control of the flight, or flying haphazardly. Dreams in which the dreamer flies freely but with purpose indicate personal, spiritual growth as well as astral flight. The Spirit travels while the body sleeps and rejuvenates. Adept lucid dreamers enjoy the experience of connecting in the dreamtime and flying together, exploring the astral with purposeful delight!On the other hand, if the dreamer is flying haphazardly out of control, the message is that more conscious control needs to be applied in waking life. For example, if the dreamer has been sitting idle, waiting for a situation to change, an out of control flight dream conveys the message to take inspired action. Get back into the driver’s seat and participate more actively in life, to create what is desired rather than waiting for it to happen.
  2. Is the dream in color or in black and white? Black and white dreams indicate off-gassing, or processing dreams. The brain files information during sleep time, and produces black and white dreams. The generally mundane content of these dreams often plays out situations at work, family dynamics, or conversations with friends that the dreamer would’ve preferred to have gone differently, for example.On the other hand, dreams in color indicate astral flight, clairvoyant visions, visitations from Spirits or ancestors – more spiritually meaningful.  Documenting these dreams in a special journal offers the opportunity for insight into astral travels, other-worldly relationships, and deeper enjoyment of the human spiritual experience overall.

Mahalo for your interest. Wishing you the inspiration and serenity that arise from deeper insight and increased clarity.

Miracles and blessings,

Dr. Renee

T. Renee Richardson, D.D., is “The AmBadassador of Light!” and author of the upcoming, “Fiddy Grades of Yay,” a metaphysical erotica collection, among other publications. She is a well-respected, joyously potent healer and clairvoyant with over 35 years of successful experience helping thousands of clients worldwide to effectively achieve their cutting-edge, passionately-fueled goals. She offers appointments via phone for your convenience, and loves providing an accessible network of support to those experiencing life transitions, including career change, business expansion, and retirement, helping individuals build joyous, loving lives of new vibrancy. Contact her at, with, “I’m Interested” in the subject heading.










Many professional energy healers and wholistic healing practitioners enjoy using crystals to enhance our healing practices. Each stone carries a vibration, and serves to extend our stamina as well as increase the specific potency of the healing session. The following five are basic, easy to find stones for even beginners and lay practitioners to start with if desired. The key is, of course, to come from a pure heart and clear, positive intention, coupled with the knowledge that you are serving as a conduit to Universal energy. You allow the Divine to flow through you, rather than attempting to use your own energy.

  1. Clear Quartz: Easily obtained, and used in old school clocks! Clear quartz points are popular to use to focus and direct healing energy. Conveniently, it can be programmed for whatever purpose you desire, then cleared and reprogrammed when that purpose is complete. The variety of crystal programming methods includes holding the crystal between the palms and concentrating on intention for a few minutes. Clear quartz also lends well to wire-wrapping in jewelry and power piece creation.
  2. Rose Quartz: This pink stone symbolizes and carries the energy of unconditional love. Rose quartz is also easy to find in raw or polished form. It’s pretty enough for jewelry making and powerful enough to pack a beautiful punch, as unconditional love is the Universal trump card. BAM! (Blessed and Multiplied)
  3. Green Aventurine: This stone supports overall health, especially connected to the heart energy. I call it the Flintstone Vitamin of healing stones. Green aventurine makes a wonderful addition to any crystal medicine bag, wand, or crystal grid.
  4. Citrine: This beautiful golden stone, whether raw, natural, heated, or polished carries the energetic charges of joy, abundance, and financial prosperity. Who wouldn’t love that? Citrine never needs cleansing, so is great for events, to enhance the environment for everyone. Place it on the table or in your pocket to have it close by.
  5. Amethyst: The many forms of amethyst including light, dark, chevron, raw, polished, etc. are popular especially among those invested in spiritual development. Beautiful purple in a variety of shades and forms, its healing properties include supporting transitions, breaking old patterns all the way down to addiction level, and deep cellular healing all the way down to cancer level. BioMats containing amethyst chips have gained in popularity and credibility; many massage therapists use these to enhance their healing practices.

Countless crystals and stones can be found for minutely specific purposes, which of course change depending upon the practitioner’s style, and recipient of the healing. These basic five comprise a strong foundation for beginners as well as adepts.

Blessings on your journey!
Dr. Renee

T. Renee Richardson, DD, “The AmBadassador of Light!” author, “Try This at Home! A Four-Step Guide to Practical Intuitive Development,” author, “The No Brain, No Gain Fastkine Dating Guide for Men…,” author, “The B-Natural Self-Care & Maintenance Guide,” contributing author: upcoming “SoulFree,” and author of upcoming, “Fiddy Grades of Yay!” metaphysical erotica collection, is a well respected, professional, potent healer and clairvoyant with over 35 years of experience helping thousands of clients worldwide to effectively achieve their cutting-edge goals. She offers services via phone appointment for your convenience, and loves providing an accessible network of support to those experiencing life transitions, such as career change, business expansion, and retirement, helping individuals build joyous, loving lives of new vibrancy. Her dedication to her path and her accuracy, compassionate detachment, authenticity, positive attitude and sense of humor have made her a sought after healer recognized worldwide. Connect with her:










Working with crystals & stones is more of an art than a science. Not unlike how a perfume smells differently on each individual wearing it, the energetic qualities of stones shift in alignment with whoever uses them. Among the published references available are reliable sources of foundational information. However, everyone does not resonate with the experiences of those authors or with the research supporting their conclusions. That’s ok – your own experience is valid!

Throughout my decades of metaphysical service, I’ve received consistent inquiries regarding protective stones. As a general rule, the darker stones are more protective. As I’ve incorporated stones into my practice, my connections with them have evolved. BTW:  Use of the term “protective” here does not indicate that you are under attack. Instead, it’s similar to putting on a coat when you go into the cold or rain. The coat protects you from the elements and increases your stamina. Because of its presence you can last longer in that environment.

Following are 7 of my favorite protective stones and how I work with them. Some of these properties are echoed in previously published works; others are specific to me and those who resonate with me. We’re all unique; we’re all valid as long as we take the time to work diligently, with integrity.
Labradorite – A go-to power stone, and gorgeous to boot! I always wear labradorite when I’m working, to hold my space, like a solid container.

Raw black tourmaline/shale – A grounding stone. I place raw black tourmaline in various locations around my home and office for increased connection with the earth, which creates increased calm.

Lepidolite – What spiritual individual doesn’t love purple! Lepidolite is not only beautiful, but I’ve found it great for extending emotional balance, especially when working with emotionally vulnerable individuals.

Tourmalinated quartz – This interesting stone most often appears clear to milky white with black rods or fibers running through it. The fibers are of tourmaline, so they hold that same type of protection while helping remove unnecessary energies from the space between the reader/healer and the client.

Hematite – Often magnetic, this metallic stone is heavy, shiny, and promotes strongly grounded connection to the physical realm. I find it helpful to wear during extended experiences with groups of people, such as when facilitating any metaphysical class.

Dioptase – A bumpy, fragile, emerald or darker green stone with a powerful, concentrated presence. It’s a favorite of mine to place on my working table, to enhance my stamina during extended work with a succession of different people, such as on a phone line or at an event.

Sodalite – This pretty blue stone with white markings is my go-to for protecting my electronics! I’ve never seen that quality documented anywhere else, but I always keep a sodalite wand beside my computer. I’ve found I have many less difficulties when I do, so of course appreciate it greatly!


Of course this list is not intended to be comprehensive – countless stones exist. These are my faves. What are yours?

Blessings on your path!
Dr. Renee

T. Renee Richardson, DD, “The AmBadassador of Light!” author, “Try This at Home! A Four-Step Guide to Practical Intuitive Development,” author, “The No Brain, No Gain Fastkine Dating Guide for Men…,” author, “The B-Natural Self-Care & Maintenance Guide,” contributing author: upcoming “SoulFree,” and author of upcoming, “Fiddy Grades of Yay!” metaphysical erotica collection, is a well respected, professional, potent healer and clairvoyant with over 35 years of experience helping thousands of clients worldwide to effectively achieve their cutting-edge goals. She offers services via phone appointment for your convenience, and loves providing an accessible network of support to those experiencing life transitions, such as career change, business expansion, and retirement, helping individuals build joyous, loving lives of new vibrancy. Her dedication to her path and her accuracy, compassionate detachment, authenticity, positive attitude and sense of humor have made her a sought after healer recognized worldwide. Connect with her:










Men are from earth. Women are from earth. Here we are. Deal with it. Love it up, even! The way to deal with and appreciate it, especially for more spiritually-based women, is to realize that while we’re all from the same planet, our spiritual growth processes occur differently. How?

Women’s spiritual development advances in a spiral pattern. Round and round and round we go. Where does it stop? It doesn’t, nor do we want it to. Women experience multiple levels of growth, multiple processes, and other pleasurable multiples that render the female experience more complex than that of a man.

Men, on the other hand, traverse their spiritual development in a linear fashion, in alignment with the male manner of thinking. A, B, C; 1, 2, 3. Straight up and down. While that manner of development is less complex, that does not make it less spiritual. The male process entails more focus, less distraction from emotional reactions & projections, and is frequently more solution-oriented. “Get ‘er done!”

BTW, I do recognize the fluid nature of gender and gender identity. This information is offered with the intention of expanding the perspective for women who feel frustrated with their perception that their man is not growing, or not growing as fast as she is. He IS growing, but he is doing it HIS way. That might look like sitting on the couch flipping channels, but that’s what works for him. Give him some space and he’ll be right there for you. On the couch, but he’s there. He’ll get up when the time is right for him to get up, not when you think he should. Don’t should on him. Ok?

So, ladies, when you ask him, “What are you thinking?” and he replies, “Nothing,” believe him. That’s a strength, not a sign of spiritual laziness. Consider it his calm place, his own personal zen. Women take a while to get to that place, frequently needing to wind down from a launch-sequence of emotional reactions & projections to events that either already occurred or haven’t happened yet. Admire his ability not to go down those rabbit holes. Support his calm by giving him his space. Emotional space as well as physical space if that’s what he wants. No need to take that personally; he is simply being a man.

Again, this information is not intended to force-fit anyone into specific gender roles, but rather to expand understanding and perspective. The complaints I’ve heard over the decades, from spiritually-based women about their men, all fall within these parameters. Ladies, that’s a control issue. Ease up. Relax. There’s nothing wrong with him. That his response is, “Nothing” when you ask him what he is thinking is a good thing. Enviable, even, which trumps control as far as emotional issues go, yes? Enjoy it.

Wishing you balanced appreciation in all your relationships!

Miracles and blessings,

Dr. Renee

T. Renee Richardson, DD, “The AmBadassador of Light!” author, “Try This at Home! A Four-Step Guide to Practical Intuitive Development,” author, “The No Brain, No Gain Fastkine Dating Guide for Men…,” author, “The B-Natural Self-Care & Maintenance Guide,” contributing author: upcoming “SoulFree,” and author of upcoming, “Fiddy Grades of Yay!” metaphysical erotica collection, is a well respected, professional, potent healer and clairvoyant with over 35 years of experience helping thousands of clients worldwide to effectively achieve their cutting-edge goals. She offers services via phone appointment for your convenience, and loves providing an accessible network of support to those experiencing life transitions, such as career change, business expansion, and retirement, helping individuals build joyous, loving lives of new vibrancy. Her dedication to her path and her accuracy, compassionate detachment, authenticity, positive attitude and sense of humor have made her a sought after healer recognized worldwide. Connect with her:









Oftentimes during my sessions with entrepreneurs, this subject of lingering dissatisfaction and lack of clarity around a previous or intended relationship arises during goal-setting for business expansion. Though it may not seem directly related to business goals, an entrepreneur is focused. Therefore, everything within the sphere of life aspects impacts the bottom line. Unresolved feelings leftover from past relationships or confusion surrounding current perceived connections pull focus from one’s life path and full potential to enjoy not only one’s business expansion, but also life overall. Lingering confusion, even surrounding unrequited love, can be resolved independently in order to move on with a satisfying career and life. The resulting personal and spiritual growth provides deeper self-awareness and strength as an entrepreneur to navigate forward with increased loving power.

Sure, it’s challenging and at times feels embarrassing when someone does not return romantic feelings that you experience as vividly real. However, not only has nobody ever died from embarrassment, but we can also learn more about ourselves as we navigate the emotional challenge. Here’s how:

  1. Validate your feelings. Don’t judge yourself. Commend yourself for being able to feel caring for someone. To be able to have a vulnerable, open, caring heart is an asset, not a detriment, so don’t kick yourself or park in a yogic, “Foot up Butt” asana. Appreciate your loving nature.
  2. Assess what about them initially attracted you – what were the specific qualities that caught your attention? Own those qualities for yourself; often an unrequited love is a mirror to show us a part of ourselves that we believe we lack, but that we do, in fact, possess. In accepting these qualities as our own, we become more whole and empowered.
  3. Embrace how you felt when you were with them. Be honest, now. Were you more frustrated than enthralled or satisfied? If it was more the former than the latter, then it’s just the habit pattern you got used to, and now you’re ready to move forward in your life with more joy, minus that frustration. If it was a positive feeling within yourself, ponder and embrace that. A feeling within It’s yours. Own it; you developed it, and no one can take it from you. The power of that feeling within you does not rest within that other person. Thank them, internally and spiritually, for whatever role they played in your growth. Then allow yourself to graduate. Remember that you are the only one who can feel your feelings. They are yours. Again – embrace and own them, independently of that other person.
  4. Release the repetitive thoughts of the object of your unreturned affection by changing your mind – Shift your thoughts to something else. What do you enjoy doing? Spend time with friends who care about you, participating in those activities. If you enjoy solo activities, like reading, find a new book to start. Each time you begin to think of him/her, shift your focus. If you are visual, look at a picture, perhaps a nature scene, to ease your mind and take your power back. Put away any photos or items that create emotional pain; you don’t need that to move forward now. If affirmations are helpful, create one and use it as a go-to for when your thoughts drift back to that person. For example, “I am fine,” or “I am well,” or, “I am enough,” or, “I deserve a full life and fulfilling relationship.” When you’re too distraught to even remember an affirmation, simply repeat your own name to reclaim your power. Bottom line – fill yourself with positive energy! YOU are the key to your happiness; the source is within.


The more you shift your thoughts to affirming yourself, the stronger you become in moving forward, leaving the dissatisfaction of unrequited love behind. You are then available to form a new, satisfying life for yourself, including deeper alignment with your unique professional path and more easily facilitated business expansion.

Blessings on your journey!
Dr. Renee

T. Renee Richardson, DD, “The AmBadassador of Light!” author, “Try This at Home! A Four-Step Guide to Practical Intuitive Development,” author, “The No Brain, No Gain Fastkine Dating Guide for Men…,” author, “The B-Natural Self-Care & Maintenance Guide,” contributing author: upcoming “SoulFree,” and author of upcoming, “Fiddy Grades of Yay!” metaphysical erotica collection, is a well respected, professional, potent healer and clairvoyant with over 35 years of experience helping thousands of clients worldwide to effectively achieve their cutting-edge goals. She offers services via phone appointment for your convenience, and loves providing an accessible network of support to those experiencing life transitions, such as career change, business expansion, and retirement, helping individuals build joyous, loving lives of new vibrancy. Her dedication to her path and her accuracy, compassionate detachment, authenticity, positive attitude and sense of humor have made her a sought after healer recognized worldwide. Connect with her:










What’s, “grounded?” Calm. Centered. Relaxed and alert at the same time. “Grounded,” means feeling omfortable in your skin even when things seem chaotic around you. That’s grounded. It’s easy to lose our center and become ungrounded as the day, the week, the month goes on. Here are five tips add to your self-care practice, for regaining control of your well-being:

  1. Breathe deeply. As anyone who’s worked with me knows, I begin each session with a deep breath to connect us in our work together. Breathe into your own Spirit. Deeply – all the way down to just past your navel. In Chinese medical theory, that point is called the, “tan tien.” Aiming your breath to that point will help you get grounded.
  2. Roll your shoulders. Many of us in western society tend to carry tension between our shoulder blades. As opposed to our more naturally-oriented ancestors, most of us spend significant time hunched over some sort of technology. It’s also a normal tendency to hunch the shoulders when feeling tense. Lift your shoulders, as though you are shrugging them, and then move them backward in a circular manner, to release the tension. That action will at once release tension and create room for your new energy and new insights.
  3. Wiggle your toes. Go ahead – do it right now! I promise I can’t see you and you won’t look silly! Seriously, that movement brings your energy down through your body and into the ground. Wiggling your toes helps you to get out of your head, drop the frustration-producing thoughts, and get your Spirit grounded back into your body. It’s also something that you can do almost anywhere without attracting attention that you don’t want…as opposed to marching around ringing bells during a staff meeting. You know what I’m saying here, right?
  4. Massage: It’s wonderful when you have a regular massage therapist who knows your history and patterns, who routinely takes care of you. If you don’t, then find one! Even a student massage at a nearby massage school will offer hour-long massages at quite reasonable rates. If neither of those options are open to you right now, then even self-massage – especially foot massage – can be helpful in getting yourself grounded. You don’t have to be a certified massage therapist to rub your own feet. If you use lotion or some type of moisturizer, simply add more focused awareness to the circular motions you’re making as you apply it to yourself. The increased awareness of your body will help you get more grounded.
  5. Last but not least, and most challenging: Face whatever barriers you have in your life that prevent you from getting grounded. These could be thoughts, emotions, conditions – whatever the case, face your life head on, with courage so that you can get grounded and move forward with a new level of comfort.

Blessings on your journey!
Dr. Renee

T. Renee Richardson, DD, “The AmBadassador of Light!” author, “Try This at Home! A Four-Step Guide to Practical Intuitive Development,” author, “The No Brain, No Gain Fastkine Dating Guide for Men…,”  author, “The B-Natural Self-Care & Maintenance Guide,” contributing author: upcoming “SoulFree,” and author of upcoming, “Fiddy Grades of Yay!” metaphysical erotica collection, is a well respected, professional, potent healer and clairvoyant with over 35 years of experience helping thousands of clients worldwide to effectively achieve their cutting-edge goals. She offers services via phone appointment for your convenience, and loves providing an accessible network of support to those experiencing life transitions, such as career change, business expansion, and retirement, helping individuals build joyous, loving lives of new vibrancy. Her dedication to her path and her accuracy, compassionate detachment, authenticity, positive attitude and sense of humor have made her a sought after healer recognized worldwide. Connect with her:









Especially for service-oriented business owners navigating business expansion, career change, and retirement, self-sabotage holds the potential to create frustrated havoc instead of joyous satisfaction. From my perspective, based on my own experience and decades of observations working with mature service-oriented business owners who are stepping into new realms, the core obstacle is simple and fairly easy to overcome once an effective shift in a common habit is changed.

What’s that obstacle? Over-processing. How to overcome it? Stop delving into what might go wrong and take action before you turn your brain and your business into Velveeta! Yuck! Receive those small, negative internal messages as signals of impending increase of what you’ve desired enough to invest in. Your subconscious mind at that time is being obedient to your ego self’s attempt to maintain the old status quo instead of letting go of what has been. Embrace what is to be instead, and – most importantly – take the inspired action steps to put it into place.

Don’t give over your power to the voices of internal haters; life is challenging enough without holding yourself back for nothing. Most worries are imagined and never come into being. Think about it: What things have consumed your attention with worry regarding, “OMG, what if________ happens?” How many times did it actually occur? See what I mean? Stop tripping over nothing.

If you’re visual, make it small in your mind’s eye. Literally. Create a picture of what you’re worried about, shrink it down to minuscule, put it inside of a helium balloon and let it float away. Then immediately fill your vision with what you DO want. (Yes, for those who recognize the process: transmutation at its most practical.) That type of visualization is one technique of many to silence or at least diminish the power of self-sabotage. Discover what works best for you. But do it.

FEEL the passionate connection to your desire. If you don’t feel it, then it isn’t in alignment with your purpose, but rather an ego-driven imposition superimposed by outdated conditioning. Don’t waste your time pondering it. Get in touch instead with what you DO feel passionate about. Then go about taking the inspired action steps to put it into place.

Of course there’s a difference between a clear indication that something is wrong for you and the anxious feeling of stepping outside of your comfort zone. Especially for sensitive service-oriented business owners, huge feelings of impending dread coupled with negative physical symptoms in your body clearly let you know when you do need to halt. That’s different than those nagging internal mosquitoes telling you you’re not good enough or you’ve never done anything right, or you’ve mixed stripes with flowers again so you’re not worthy to be seen in public. Know yourself and know the difference. It’s clear.

Per usual, my perspective is appropriate for mature adults who take responsibility for handling their “stuff,” and not applicable for individuals just figuring out who they are, what they want, or brand new to self-awareness. Do the early work first; often a career guidance counselor is helpful in assessing what professions are in alignment with your skills. A qualified mental health professional can support your therapeutic process in addressing any experiences that have created the conditioning that traps you into a box that feels out of alignment. A seasoned mentor and community business resource references can help guide you in your early steps. Mature individuals have already done that work, so may confidently let go of those inner voices that detract from efficient decision-making during business expansion, career change, and retirement. Anxiety needn’t thwart you.

In summary, for mature, responsible adults, halting the process of self-sabotage is uncomplicated: Stop buying into your internal negative feelings and take inspired action instead. If you’ve already done your internal work you don’t need to keep spinning the same wheels. If I tweeted, I’d tweet: Let go the status quo, and take action, yo!

Blessings on your path,

Dr. Renee

T. Renee Richardson, DD, “The AmBadassador of Light!” author, “Try This at Home! A Four-Step Guide to Practical Intuitive Development,” author, “The No Brain, No Gain Fastkine Dating Guide for Men…,” author, “The B-Natural Self-Care & Maintenance Guide,” contributing author: upcoming “SoulFree,” and author of upcoming, “Fiddy Grades of Yay!” metaphysical erotica collection, is a well respected, professional, potent healer and clairvoyant with over 35 years of experience helping thousands of clients worldwide to effectively achieve their cutting-edge goals. She offers services via phone appointment for your convenience, and loves providing an accessible network of support to those experiencing life transitions, such as career change, business expansion, and retirement, helping individuals build joyous, loving lives of new vibrancy. Her dedication to her path and her accuracy, compassionate detachment, authenticity, positive attitude and sense of humor have made her a sought after healer recognized worldwide. Connect with her:









First off, the most operative word here is, “adults.” If you refer to yourself as a, “guy,” or a, “gal,” or any other diminutive term, this perspective is not for you. If you conceptualize yourself as an old soul as well as a mature, responsible adult at this time in your life, thank you for claiming your maturity. You’ve already dedicated decades to honing your personal & spiritual growth as well as your service profession. Please read further for some encouragement and unorthodox marketing suggestions, based on what’s been most effective for me in my service business.

Shortcuts are not the way to go – cutting corners to gain visibility will attract those who also want to cut corners. Attempting to narrow down who you are and what you do will be ineffective as well as clip away parts of your soul. Allow your service business to grow organically. Hold your integrity. Period.

Amassing a large mailing list by offering a free download, as is recommended by every mainstream marketing “expert” will not work for you. You’ll end up with a list populated by sheeple who want something for nothing and are prepared to do exactly that – nothing – about it. If you’d like to pour your work product into a sieve, go ahead. But if you want to create a marketing platform that will work in alignment with your values, spread your efforts instead of consolidating them. Yes, this perspective goes against the grain, but – especially for an old soul focused on holding integrity – a kite flies because it goes against the wind. You’ll need to do something different than what everybody else is doing. That’s the point, now isn’t it? You’re not like everybody else, so doing what everybody else does won’t bring you the results that support who you are or what you do.

If you have a free download to offer, offer it! If it’s in exchange for membership to your emailing list, then it’s not free, now is it? No. The fee for it is a continuous obligation to you. Your recipient is obligated to receive input from you, like it or not. You’re then put in the position of continuously pouring your energy into a sieve. What a waste, and, for old souls who are mature in this life right now, an unnecessarily heavy creation of karmic debt. Give to give. Then let go.

Put your contact information and some details about yourself and your work at the end of your download or whatever it is that you’re offering for free. Then those who are truly in alignment with you and your work have the opportunity to step up when they’re ready to work with you. If they don’t, then you’ve not wasted your time continuously reaching out for nothing, and they won’t build up resentment due to continuous receipt of unwanted communication from you. Your end result of enrolling clients will be much more suitable because they’ll have pre-qualified themselves, showing the motivation it takes to work with you.

Old souls and mature adults do not spend time molly coddling hesitant, stuck individuals. Leave that for the plethora of hobbyists, novices, and younger souls who need that type of experience to hone their skills and crafts. You graduated from that type of service already. Delegate, so to speak. Those individuals won’t be ready to serve the mature, prepared clients that you are ready to serve, so it all works out in the end.

Old souls and mature adults in service professions are usually kamikaze meditators. If you are, then you know what I mean – you spend considerable quality time in the astral. USE that as a marketing platform. A good friend and colleague is fond of teasing me about there being an astral bulletin board where my best clients find me. It’s true. I have some of the most bizarre stories of people following through with messages they’ve received in their dreamspace, during their meditations, from their own spirit guides or even random comments from strangers – and those have turned out to be my best clients over the decades. Those are the ones most in alignment with who I am, what I do, and how I deliver services. You won’t find that instruction in any webinar or online marketing school. Because it’s in the astral. Accessible to old souls. Mature adults. That’s the way we roll.

You have a more personal definition of success that does not necessarily include commercialized fame. In many service professions, confidentiality is key – loose lips sink ships. So a loud, broad, widespread reputation for working with well-known people could work to your detriment. You might not want your name or logo to be a household word. What works well for old souls in service professions who deal with sensitive and/or powerful individuals navigating transition is to be well-respected among those who appreciate strong, clear boundaries. The concept of all of us being as one so there are no secrets, and that a loving heart is open to everything all the time does not work for service professionals who need to hold a safe container for clients’ transformations. Our clients need privacy, both personally and professionally – they need to know that their personal issues and business plans are safely held in confidence; that they can trust the sanctity of their work with us.

Along those lines, although creating joint venture partnerships with other service providers is another method commonly advocated by marketing gurus for swift business expansion and increased profits, that attempt may work instead to the detriment of old soul service professionals who serve sensitive, private, powerful individuals. They pay for quality, exclusive time with you. They want the experience of a clear, clean connection with you and access to you. Only you, because they’ve carefully selected you to provide their service. Making it known that you’ve partnered up with someone with whom they have not developed relationship, or have but don’t trust it at the same level of depth can serve to alienate even your most loyal clients. Stay true to who you are. If you’re a unique individual providing a unique service, keep it exclusive in every way. Your path may look slower to others but you’ll create a level of satisfaction that ensures your ability to stand by your work 100% as well as be able to sleep at night with a clear conscience.

I hope that this has provided you with validation, encouragement, inspiration, and stronger resolve to maintain your individual integrity. This lone wolf path is not for everyone, but if it is your path there is no way around it. Thank you for your interest.

Miracles and blessings,
Dr. Renee

T. Renee Richardson, D.D., is “The AmBadassador of Light!” and author of the upcoming, “Fiddy Grades of Yay,” a metaphysical erotica collection, among other publications. She is a well-respected, joyously potent healer and clairvoyant with over 35 years of experience helping thousands of clients worldwide to effectively achieve their cutting-edge, passionately-fueled goals. She offers appointments via phone for your convenience, and loves providing an accessible network of support to those experiencing life transitions, including career change, business expansion, and retirement, helping individuals build joyous, loving lives of new vibrancy. Contact her at, with, “I’m Interested” in the subject heading.










As I primarily provide services to spiritually-oriented entrepreneurs who own service businesses, the difference between a soul mate connection and a karmic connection arises periodically. Frustration as to why things aren’t working out, no matter how much effort is invested in the relationship presents a costly, energy-consuming  distraction for service-focused business owners, negatively impacting not only peace of mind but also profit line and overall quality of life. There are ways to tell the difference when that is the case, and actions to take that will remedy the frustration for those who prefer to put that struggle aside and refocus.

We all know that developing relationships can be equally as confusing and rewarding. That’s especially true for those who identify personally and spiritually with their service business goals. That’s because so many mature individuals and old souls attend to spiritual awareness along with energetic balance, then actively seek romantic partnership for the purpose of working at a deeper soul level. A noble goal, which I’ve heard described as spiritualizing one’s humanity. Would that more people spiritualized their humanity – perhaps we’d humanity would be further along by now if that were the case. That deeper path isn’t for everyone, though; so be it.

Even among those new to spiritual development and energetic sensitivity to others, the concept of a soul mate sounds enticing. The information presented in both mainstream and alternative media paints a picture of someone perfectly suited, who will serve the purpose of bringing out your best through a lifetime partnership of unconditional love with you.

The truth of the matter, though, hard as it might be to hear, is that each of those concepts contains broad strokes of misconception. We each must do our own work; that description is one of co-dependency rather than a healthy romantic relationship. A qualified therapist can help sort that out, or a couple’s counselor if you’re already in a committed relationship.

The vitally important, essential difference between a soul mate and karmic connection, though, creates the most havoc I’ve seen on the romantic relationship playing field.

Firstly, a soul mate isn’t necessarily a romantic life partner. You can create a soul mate out of any living being, as essentially a soul mate is someone – whether a romantic partner, a platonic friend, a professional colleague, or even a pet – who is connected to you on a deep level, most often in a way that challenges you as well as supports you. This is a connection that begins with a level of natural-feeling comfort and then develops organically, through attention to addressing those challenges with maturity. At best, you grow stronger as a person. Then when the growth is accomplished, the soul mate’s purpose is complete and the two of you peacefully go your separate ways. Or you can continue the back and forth process of repeated growth-cycles indefinitely if you so choose.

Growth-based relationships are not new, contrary to the new cage propaganda referring to them as conscious or awakened or whatever comprises the current euphemism for process addiction in that distorted arena. Keep it real – life is challenging enough without falling into that quicksand-filled sieve. Accepting a chosen soul mate into a growth-based life partnership is a conscious choice, not a fated inevitability. Additionally it takes dedicated work to maintain any growth-based relationship, whether romantic or not.

On the other hand, when a karmic connection is brought into your life, you feel an undeniable, irresistible attraction to that person. On a human physiology level, that attraction is lust. When it continues past the physical attraction and feels like an intense emotional attachment that impacts your very soul, that’s a strong sign that the connection is karmic. A karmic connection means that the two of you have unresolved matters to settle that are leftover from a past life or multiple past lives. The more past lives, the more intense the feeling of attraction and attachment, because it’s coming from several different sources of soul-level unfinished business. Emotions are heightened, which is often and easily mistaken for the mythical romance-based soul mate connection so widely publicized.

Perceiving – insisting, even – that  the karmic connection must absolutely be the soul mate and life partner that one has been waiting for often creates confusion, frustration, disappointment, disillusionment, and other negative emotions once that karmic imbalance has been addressed as fully as it can be in this lifetime. Many times, the two individuals in this current life operate at a different level of spiritual awareness and energetic sensitivity. One of them in the dynamic will continue to feel an imperative need to be connected, while the other will create distance instead. This happens when it is time to move on.

Yes, my dears, it’s easy to say and hard to do! But it must be done. Since there are strong though often inequitable emotions involved, it’s nearly impossible to see the situation objectively or from a linear logical point of view. What has occurred, though, is that you have graduated from that karmic imbalance. That connection is no longer needed or appropriate to hold in your life. You need to move forward rather than hang on. Otherwise, you will create increased emotional imbalance for yourself, trying over and over again to figure out what went wrong. Nothing went wrong. It’s simply time to move on. Simple, yes. Easy, no.

A trusted spiritual advisor familiar with these patterns can help you identify the true nature of the connection that confounds you, as well as the steps you need to take in order to move on. Keep in mind, though, that the term is Advisor.” You will receive an expanded perspective and advice for how to empower yourself to regain your balance and move forward, not predictions of what the other person is thinking or doing. Your advisor will help you to MYOB. Literally, as when you’re an entrepreneur, you’ve got to move on in order to stay on your own path. When it’s time to move on, it’s essential to let go – to stop attempting to dive into the other person’s energy and, instead, pull your attention back to your own center, then invest your energy and attention into your own life.

Get support with this when you need to. It’s a common struggle among spiritually-based, service-oriented entrepreneurs. There’s no shame in it, and you deserve to live a happy, fully vibrant life!

Blessings on your path,

Dr. Renee

T. Renee Richardson, DD, “The AmBadassador of Light!” author, “Try This at Home! A Four-Step Guide to Practical Intuitive Development,” author, “The No Brain, No Gain Fastkine Dating Guide for Men…,” author, “The B-Natural Self-Care & Maintenance Guide,” contributing author: upcoming “SoulFree,” and author of upcoming, “Fiddy Grades of Yay!” metaphysical erotica collection, is a well respected, profe.sional, potent healer and clairvoyant with over 35 years of experience helping thousands of clients worldwide to effectively achieve their cutting-edge goals. She offers services via phone appointment for your convenience, and loves providing an accessible network of support to those experiencing life transitions, such as career change, business expansion, and retirement, helping individuals build joyous, loving lives of new vibrancy. Her dedication to her path and her accuracy, compassionate detachment, authenticity, positive attitude and sense of humor have made her a sought after healer recognized worldwide. Connect with her:









Speaking briefly on this, because although the subject of soul mates is not central to the services I provide, it occasionally arises within my work with individuals who are expanding their businesses. Women seem more susceptible to it than men, so since I work primarily with men, I’m thankfully shielded from it for the most part. This perspective is not what marketers will feed you about soul mates. It’s straight to the point for ever-seeking individuals who believe themselves to be incomplete without a partner, and wallow in perpetual misery in the search:

Soul mates. Yes, that term and the narrow concept of its definition enjoy periodic resurgence among lonely individuals all over the world. A soul mate. Someone who completes you. Or someone who facilitates your ability to complete yourself. Or someone who was created at the same time as you were, from a spiritual standpoint. Or, or, or. There are multiple definitions, each one entailing specific parameters for who this person is supposed to be, what purpose they’re supposed to serve, and what the relationship between the two of you is supposed to look like. Yikes.

Force-fitting your life experiences into new cage terminology inhibits rather than promotes your personal, spiritual growth and enjoyment of life. If you’re constantly looking for that special someone instead of being that special someone, you’ll never be satisfied. Why seek someone who fits a mold? That’s as outdated as it gets – there’s nothing conscious, evolved, high-vibrational, or awakened about it. Whatever the current new cage pop culture buzz word for process addiction is, let it go. Learn to be in the moment. Pay attention to your own internal sensations. Pay attention to your own external perceptions. Learn active listening skills. Learn clear self-expression.

Most importantly, find your soul. Then you will be complete. Period. You’ll be able to move forward with joyous gratitude even when the ever-elusive fabled soul-mate, whom you decided must come into your life to fit into that mold and be your missing puzzle piece, doesn’t appear out of thin air. And even when one after the other whom you believe fits the mold turns out not to be The One. Because people are human. Nobody is required to do that for you – or to you. Stay in your power. You are The One you’ve been waiting for.

There are no shortcuts. Anyone whom I’ve come across in my near 6 decades of this life who advocates having some magic system to quickly find your soul mate says so in alignment with some type of marketing-oriented program designed to earn a quick paycheck, as this is an area of vulnerability for the masses of followers in the world who continuously seek outward for what is found within. Bottom line – you have to do your own work. There is no way around it.

Those engaged in the process of doing that internal work as well as taking inspired action in alignment with who they truly are – not making attempts to force-fit themselves into classifications that fit new cage relationship terminology – are the ones who experience the real satisfaction created from being comfortable in one’s own skin. There’s no need to become a process addict, or to become anything that you’re truly not. That endeavor will merely land you in a pit of frustration, imbalance, and possible depression – for no good reason at all.

Bottom line: Do YOU, and love it. You attract what you are. Sit in comfort with yourself, take inspired action with self-confidence, and when it’s the right time for partnership to develop in your life, it will.

Miracles and blessings,

Dr. Renee

T. Renee Richardson, D.D., is “The AmBadassador of Light!” and author of the upcoming, “Fiddy Grades of Yay,” a metaphysical erotica collection, among other publications. She is a well-respected, joyously potent healer and clairvoyant with over 35 years of experience helping thousands of clients worldwide to effectively achieve their cutting-edge, passionately-fueled goals. She offers appointments via phone for your convenience, and loves providing an accessible network of support to those experiencing life transitions, including career change, business expansion, and retirement, helping individuals build joyous, loving lives of new vibrancy. Contact her at, with, “I’m Interested” in the subject heading.